It is a simplified graphic representation of a territoriy. Initiated with the purpose of knowing the world, and supported firstly on philosophical theories, maps constitute today an important source of information and a great part of human activity is related in one way or another to cartograph, which in its widest representation includes the universe in general and the solar sistem, beyond the planet Earth. Maps today rely on technological tools to build geolocations.

Mapping tactics provide access to mental maps, psychosocial maps, and bio-political maps that go beyond borders to include etnographic, historical, statistical, etc. aspects.


It is an analytical tool that recognises that systemic inequalities are shaped by the overlapping of different social factors such as gender, ethnicity and social class. The intersectional vision aims to overcome inequalities and stereotypes, and also confronts all kinds of barriers, such as war, migration, poverty and gender-based violence. Feminism has historically been dedicated to the struggle for equality. Technology and social networks construct our identities.


In Biology and Medicine, it is a state of resistance, natural or acquired, that certain individuals or species possess against certain pathogenic actions of micro-organisms or foreign substances.

It is also the quality of being immune, defined as being exempt from certain offices, charges, burdens or penalties. It is synonymous with invulnerable.

Immunity would be the process or state that fights diseases in order to overcome them. Immunity can be collective or individual. Globalisation creates unprotected communities lacking social immunity due to pandemics, wars and social inequalities.


By antonomasia, it refers to the Earth, and is defined as a celestial body without its own light that revolves in an elliptical orbit around a star, particularly those that revolve around the Sun. Within the planet we find nature, the whole of everything that exists and which is determined and harmonised in its own laws, and, on the other hand, ecosystems, which are communities of living beings whose vital processes are related to each other and develop according to the physical factors of the same environment.

Also within this field we can work with ecologism, which is defined as a doctrine that advocates the defence of nature and the preservation of the environment, where the urban begins to defend its orchards, beaches and natural ecosystems. Lately, the ecofeminist movement has been characterised by the vindication of the natural ecosystem with collectives such as Mothers for the Climate, etc.


It deals with the way we communicate through the coordinated and reciprocal interaction of senders and receivers through the places we inhabit. The different perspectives and media that give rise to a social system of values and norms that regulate the pre-established conventions and discourses of power in the city, the neighbourhood or the metaverse.  The community is a set of people who somehow come together in networks in person or online to defend common interests. Associations and social networks can have a transformative power by working in a collective and participatory way. New technologies and the internet allow the creation of nodes, which are non-hierarchical networks.


Capitalist society encourages consumption without real need through miseducation that should be reversed. It encourages the pursuit of external material things to satisfy created needs, which leads to addictive behaviours (compulsive shopping; compulsive use of social networks; video games; compulsive gambling; workaholism) and substance use (addiction to legal and illegal substances, drugs and medicines). When it benefits, it is called consumption and when it is a problem, it is called a disease. The city is the maximum exponent of new and old addictions, as its idiosyncrasy promotes the agglomeration of people, differences and large areas of programmed leisure.


ABSENCEAbsence is understood as the lack of or deprivation of something, and also as the effect of being absent or being absent.

ACTIVISMThe attitude or behavior of people who participate in movements, especially of a political or social nature.

ADDICTION: Addiction is dependence on substances or activities harmful to health or mental balance. Or it can also be the extreme fondness for someone or something.

ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS: Addictive behaviors are defined as behavior that provokes the imperious need to be repeated, in spite of the evident psychic and physical damage that it generates both on a personal level and on third parties.

ADVERTISEMENT: Advertising of a product or service for commercial purposes to convince the public to buy or use it.

ASSOCIATION(S): An association is a legal entity constituted by agreement of three or more legally constituted natural or legal persons, who undertake to pool knowledge, means and activities to achieve lawful, common purposes, of general or particular interest, and which are provided with statutes governing its operation.

AUTHORITY: Power or right to command or govern people who are subordinate. Person who has this power or right.

AUTOMATISMLack of involvement of will, reflection or full awareness in the performance of mental movements or acts.

BARRIER: A barrier is a fence, gate, timber, chain or other similar obstacle with which a passage is closed or a place is enclosed, it is understood therefore as an obstacle between one thing and another.

BEACHES: Shore of the sea or of a large river, formed by sandbanks on an almost flat surface.

BIOLOGY: Biology is the science that deals with living beings considering their structure, functioning, evolution, distribution and relationships.

BIOPOLITICAL MAP: The concept of biopolitics has a meaning that runs parallel to that of biopower. The latter refers to a set of strategies aimed at directing power relations in order to make life manageable. Biopolitics would then be the type of politics and management sought by this biopower.

BIOPOLITICS: Biopolitics is a concept introduced by Foucault to describe the transformations of modern forms of government, characterized by the deployment of a whole set of technologies, practices, strategies and political rationalities aimed at the government of life.

CAPITALISM: Economic and social system based on private ownership of the means of production, on the importance of capital as a generator of wealth and on the allocation of resources through the market mechanism.

CAPITALIST SOCIETY: Capitalist society is a political, social and economic system; it is based on the production and exchange of goods, this means that in order to acquire any service or object necessary to live one must have the money to buy it.

CARTOGRAPHY: Cartography is the art of drawing geographical maps and, at the same time, the science that studies them.

CITY: A group of buildings and streets, governed by a city council, whose dense and numerous population is usually engaged in non-agricultural activities. 

CO-EDUCATION: Teaching in the same classroom and with the same educational system to students of both sexes. This definition does not refer to a non-sexist education, but to a mixed education model.

COLLECTIVE: A group of people who live in the same territory and share certain circumstances (interests, norms, habits, culture, etc.).

COMBAT: Physical confrontation between people or animals; in particular, that which is subject to rules, as in wrestling sports.

COMMUNITY: The community is defined as the whole of the people of a town, region or nation, or by those people linked by common characteristics and interests.

COMPULSIVE USE: Refers to the predisposition with which an object or service is consumed because of a need created by capitalism and the mass production of goods.

CONSUMPTION: The action of using and/or spending a product, good or service to meet both primary and secondary human needs. In economics, consumption is considered the final phase of the productive process, when the good obtained is capable of being useful to the consumer. In today’s capitalist system, consumption represents a cyclical activity, since man produces in order to consume, and this consumption generates more production. 

CONSTRUCTION: Construction is the action, effect or art of building.

COUNTRYSIDE: Part of the land surface not occupied by population centers.

COVID-19: Covid-19 is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

DECENTRALIZATION: The process of distributing or dispersing functions, powers, persons or things away from a central location or authority.

DECOMPOSITION: Separation of a thing in the different parts or elements that form it.

DEMOLITION: Action and effect of demolishing.

DRIFT: Drifting is the act of walking without direction or fixed purpose, at the mercy of circumstances.

DISEASE: Slight or serious alteration of the normal functioning of an organism or any of its parts due to an internal or external cause.

EARTH: Planetary surface on which the conditions for the maintenance of life as we know it today are born and exist.

ECOFEMINISM: It is the current of feminism that integrates the ecological theme.

ECOFEMINIST MOVEMENT: The ecofeminist movement is the current of feminism that integrates ecological issues.

ECOLOGY: Science that studies living beings as inhabitants of an environment, and the relationships they maintain among themselves and with the environment itself.

ECOSYSTEM: Community of living beings whose vital processes relate to each other and develop according to the physical factors of the same environment.

EDUCATION: Upbringing, teaching and doctrine given to children and young people.

ENVIRONMENT: The environment is understood as the set of physical and biological circumstances or factors that surround living beings and influence their development and behavior.

EQUALITY: Equality is the principle that recognizes the equality of all citizens in rights and obligations.

ETHNICITY: Ethnicity is described as a human community defined by racial, linguistic, cultural, etc. affinities.

ETHNOGRAPHY: Descriptive study of popular culture.

FEMINISM: Social movement that demands for women the recognition of capacities and rights that have traditionally been reserved for men. Social and political movement that seeks equality between women and men.

FOOTPRINT: Trace, sign, vestige left by someone or something.

GENDER: This is a technical term specific to the social sciences to refer to the set of differentiated cultural characteristics derived from the sexual conformation of people, which can be organized as part of a binary system (male/female).

GENDER VIOLENCE: The psychological and physical abuse suffered by women because of their status as women. It is exercised individually and also institutionally. Due to its consequences, which end in murder, it can be considered a pandemic.

GEOLOCATION: Geolocation is the ability to obtain the actual geographic location of an object, such as a radar, a cell phone or a computer connected to the Internet. Geolocation can refer to location query, or for actual location query. The term geolocation is closely related to the use of positioning systems, but can be distinguished from these by a greater emphasis on determining a meaningful position (e.g., a street address) and not just a set of geographic coordinates. This process is generally employed by geographic information systems, an organized set of hardware and software, plus geographic data, that is specially designed to capture, store, manipulate, and analyze in all its possible forms the referenced geographic information.

GLOBALIZATION: Globalization, sometimes referred to as mundialization, is a worldwide economic, technological, political, social and cultural process that consists of increasing communication and interdependence among the different countries of the world, uniting their social markets through a series of social and political transformations that give them a global character. Globalization is often identified as a dynamic process produced mainly by society and which has opened its doors to the information revolution, reaching a considerable level of liberalization and democratization in its political culture, in its national legal and economic order, and in its national and international relations.

HISTORY: Set of political, social, economic, cultural, etc., events or facts of a people or a nation, it can also refer to the science that studies these facts.

INEQUALITY: Condition or circumstance of not having the same nature, quantity, quality, value or form as another, or of differing from it in one or more aspects.

IMAGINARY: From the Latin imaginarius, it is not necessarily material: it is an imagined reality -real- contingent on the imagination of a concrete social subject.

IMMUNITY: State of resistance, natural or acquired, that certain individuals or species possess against certain pathogenic actions of microorganisms or foreign substances.

INTERACTION: Interaction is the reciprocal action exerted between two or more objects, persons, agents, forces, functions, etc.

INTERNET: It is defined as a worldwide, decentralized computer network, formed by the direct connection between computers by means of a special communication protocol.

INTERSECTIONALITY: Intersectionality is a framework designed to explore the dynamics between coexisting identities (e.g., female, black) and connected systems of oppression (e.g., patriarchy, white supremacy).

INVULNERABLE: Invulnerable means that which is unaffected by what is done or said against it.

LAWS: On the one hand, law is understood as any fixed rule to which a phenomenon of nature is subject, and on the other hand, law is defined as a precept dictated by the competent authority, in which something is commanded or prohibited in accordance with justice and for the good of the governed.

MAP: A map is the geographical representation of a part of the earth’s surface, on which information relating to a particular science is given.

MEDICINE: Medicine is the body of knowledge and techniques applied to the prediction, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases and, where appropriate, to the rehabilitation of the sequelae they may produce.

MEMORY: Memory is the psychic faculty by which the past is retained and recalled.

MENTAL MAP: A mental map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, readings, drawings, or other concepts linked and radically arranged through a key word or central idea.

METAVERSE: Metaverses are environments where humans interact socially and economically as avatars, through a logical support in a cyberspace, which acts as a metaphor of the real world, but without its limitations. 

MIGRATIONS: A migration is a geographical displacement of individuals or groups, usually for economic or social causes.

NATURE: Set of things that exist in the world or that are produced or modified without human intervention.

NEIGHBORHOOD: Neighborhoods are each of the parts into which towns and cities or their districts are divided.

NEIGHBORHOOD TISSUE: The bonds and relationships of care that are established in a society that inhabits a given place.

NETWORKS: It deals with the way we communicate through the coordinated and reciprocal interaction of senders and receivers through the places we inhabit.

ONLINE: The definition of online refers to that which is connected to the Internet or other data network. 

ORCHARD: A short plot of land, generally fenced, on which vegetables, legumes and fruit trees are grown.

OVERCOMING: Action and effect of overcoming.

PANDEMIC: Epidemic disease that spreads to many countries or attacks almost all individuals in a locality or region.

PARTICIPATIVE: Pertaining or relating to participation, and conducive to participation. 

PATHOGEN: A pathogen is that which originates and develops a disease.

PERSPECTIVES: Perspectives are understood as those points of view from which an issue is considered or analyzed.

PLANET EARTH: By antonomasia, refers to the Earth, and is defined as a celestial body without its own light that revolves in an elliptical orbit around a star, particularly those revolving around the Sun.

POST PANDEMIC: “Behind” “after” the pandemic.

POVERTY: Scarcity or lack of what is necessary to live. 

POWER: Power is the capacity to do a certain thing, and within the social sciences, it is the capacity of an individual to influence the behavior of other people or social organizations.

PRESENCE: Personal attendance, or state of being in front of or in the same place as another or others.

IN-PERSON: Implying the presence of the person concerned. 

PSYCHOSOCIAL MAP: The psychosocial map has by definition the orientation to serve as an exploratory and descriptive vision of these factors, falling in love with the work reality of a specific context.

PUBLIC SPHERE: Is the configuration of spaces of social spontaneity free from state interference as well as from market and media regulations. A space of free expression, participation and deliberation is created, giving rise to public opinion in its informal phase, as well as civic organizations and, in general, everything that questions, critically evaluates and influences politics from the outside.

QR: A QR code is a square two-dimensional barcode that can store encoded data. Most of the time the data is a link to a website (URL).

RESISTANCE: Action and effect of resisting or resisting.

SCHEDULED LEISURE: Scheduled leisure is understood as free time away from work previously ordered and planned.

SOCIAL CLASS: Grouping of individuals in a society characterized by their role in the production system and the share of state wealth they have and that present certain affinity of customs, economic means, interests, etc.

SOCIAL NETWORKS: Digital platform for global communication that connects a large number of users.

SPACE: Physical medium in which bodies and movements are situated, and which is usually characterized as homogeneous, continuous, three-dimensional and unlimited. Being a place with determined limits and common characteristics or purposes.

STATISTICS: Science that uses numerical data sets to draw inferences from them based on the calculation of probabilities.

TECHNOLOGIES: Set of industrial instruments and procedures of a certain sector or product.

TERRITORY: Portion of the terrestrial surface belonging to a nation, region, province, etc.

UNDO: To make a thing return to the way it was before it was done, so that it disappears or is destroyed, decomposed or disarranged.

UNIVERSE: That which is in coexistence and obeys certain laws. It is a place or scenography where there are conditions for the development of an action.

VIDEO GAMES: A video game is an electronic device that allows, by means of appropriate controls, to simulate games on the screens of a television, computer or other electronic device.

WAGE GAP: The wage gap is the difference between the average wage of men and women, as a percentage of the average wage of men.

WAR: War can be defined in two ways: on the one hand, it is the disagreement and breach of peace between two or more powers; and on the other hand, it is the armed struggle between two or more nations or between sides of the same nation.