Ser y gráfica (guest artist)
This work belongs to the first warrior of the trilogy of monumental canvases in serigraphy of 3 x 9mts. Series of 33 frames 60x80c/u. Original for poster in silkscreen and textile printing in the street.
Warrior in present image, patent and latent force that manifests itself, from ALL and for all…it explodes and sows flames in feminist insurrection, real world impulse, in a world in chaos, that cannot be sustained, nor understood, that no longer is, because it cannot be what it never was; essence, origin, existence and understanding of life. The patriarchal and capitalist structure; burns, ravages and extinguishes, in-flames…it no longer cries out…it projects a living and powerful force voice…The system enslaves and lies. Without justice, without courage. The feminist people is a clamor and a re-evolution.
A living warrior, with a mestizo body, de-constructed, without roots, patterns or stereotypes, she bares her body at will, liberating her de-colonised corporeality, dignified in her Independence… Empowered, strengthened and soulful. She advances and invites, in vanguard and retrospective, to the bases of the mobilised struggle of all the Her-manadas, never again slaves. Woman warrior blossomed in the feminist memory, from so many of the activist history and the din of endurance… Feminism precedes and goes from the beginning. The warrior woman invites the collective to continue, because we are alive, also through the falls, flowered, eternal. The anti-patriarchal staff, orients from its top, circular energy and heart – fruit – flame, which sustains the liberated fathom, and attacks the fractured structure of the patriarchy, its symbols and forms. From the “rebervevida” head, fire, flower, water, love; flowing, healing pain, transforming reality, and sending a message in high flight…life sprouting in freedom.